Monday, August 10, 2009

The story as it now stands...(with author notes included)

The following novel beginning is completely as written on Twitter along with all notes pertaining to same that were posted there. And all mistakes as posted also.

New novel: Chapter I Dark Cloud's epiphany came about as the sun set rose-colored across the dusky sky line.

Writing my next twitter chapter for my twitter novel.

btw twitter novel chapter coming up - just to show I can do it in less than 140 ...


hapter two. Renna flounced (she did too flounce) into the business manager's office. Darla, the manager, would not look up.

Chapter III. Meanwhile, Dark Cloud wandered through the desparate cityscape, searching for his singular angel.

Chapter IV. Dark Cloud found a late night party. Raul asked, are you an indian? No, he said, but I worked on a high rise one summer.

Chapter V. Renna viewed her face in the hand held mirror. Raul said she should meet this guy he met at a party. "Dark Cloud," Raul said.

Chapter VI. Dark Cloud put on dark glasses before leaving the party so no one would recognize him. Somewhere out there was his girl.

Chapter VII. Renna sat on a bench on the subway platform, legs crossed, one foot tapping the air. Dark Cloud walked by not noticing her.

Chapter VIII. Dark Cloud stood in the phone booth. "How will I know I've found her? Will I just know?"

Chapter IX. After hanging up the phone, Marta, the pseudo-psychic, rubbed her hands together gleefully. Her plan was working.

Chapter X. Darla sat across from Marta. "So what did he say?? Will I finally be able to rid myself of Renna?" Marta smiled, sd nothing.

Ah, the smell of maple syrup and formic acid in the morning. Yes, I forgot to rinse the plate again.

should be working on [my] novel again. i think we left off with Marla smiling mysteriously. what else? hmmm.

wonders if there is a name for a twitter block. Like writer's block, only shorter. I'm stuck on chapter X.

Chapter XI, chapter XI....aaaghh. Marla's going to think something or do something. A glimpse into the writer's daily grind.

Chapter XI. After Darla left, Marta cleared away her pseudopsychic props before setting the table for dinner. "Joey, Maggie, dinner!"

Interlude a. Joey and Maggie aren't characters in this story. They are extraneous entities meant to aid in our understanding of Marta.

slept in. have another chapter to come, but not quite yet. anticipate

Chapter XII. Raul couldn't find anybody. Renna was at the Pride parade, because though straight, she liked artifice. Raul hated crowds.

Chapter XII. Renna made Darla feel uncomfortable. It wasn't that Renna was gay. It was the tattoos and piercings, Darla was sure of it.

oops that was Chapter XIII followers.

Chapter XIV. Raul and Renna are walking. "Renna, that's him, that's the guy I was telling you about!" "What guy?" "Dark Cloud!" Pointing

Chapter XV. After a nice meal in the park, Renna asks Raul, "You mean for me or for you." "You, silly." "Me? I don't think so."

Chapter XVI. At home, Renna considered Dark Cloud again. She'd only caught a glimpse of him, but she couldn't see it. He was a little too

Ok, so I cheated a bit, maybe. I suppose ch 14 - 16 could be one chapter, but with a lot more dressing they could easily be 3 chs.

you decide.

Chapter XVII. Raul thought of a boy named Bobby in LA under the hot sun. He wondered how many relationships ended because of the weather.

Chapter XVIII. Renna couldn't get over that guy, Dark Wind? or whatever. Why did Raul say he was for her? Raul always knew. But this time?

Chapter XVIX. Dark Cloud at Marta's. "Describe her again." "Bleach blonde hair, curled, white fingernails, happenin chicka. Your diamond."

Chapter XX. Dark Rain? Dark Storm? Dark Dragon? No, that wasn't right. Renna stuck her gum under the subway bench. Raul was just so wrong.

Chapter XXI. The man of the hour walked in the rain knowing when he found his inevitable angel she would meld under the force of his power.

Chapter XXI-a. To become his diamond.

Chapter XXII. Renna laughed. She hadn't laughed since Darla, since her job, since the last guy, since boredom. Dark Watch, Dark Fork, Dark

Chapter XXIII-b. Fork in the Road, Dark Pitchfork, a rhythm game for every step of subway halls and concrete platforms. Renna laughed.

thinks that maybe 140 characters is sometimes not quite enough.

and that should have been Chapter XXII-b.

Chapter XXIII.Darla sat across the desk from Anemone. Her fingers tapped nervously, waiting. Anemone nodded."We'll trust to fate" she said.

Chapter XXIV. Later that afternoon, Anemone called Darla on her office phone. "Never forget, Darla, I can crush you." Darla said, "I know."

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